Faith vs. Doubt

Hawkgrrrlapostasy, Asides, burdens, Charity, christ, christianity, church, conference, Culture, curiosity, depression, Discrimination, diversity, doubt, education, faith, fear, General Authorities, General Conference, inter-faith, joseph, LDS, Leaders, liberal, Logic, love, mercy, Mormon, mormon, Mormons, orthodox, President Monson, prophets, questioning, religion, restoration, scripture, spirituality, testimony, theology, thought 48 Comments

“Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other.”

Help Wanted: Predicting the Next Apostle

Carter Hallchurch, conference, Culture, curiosity, diversity, General Authorities, General Conference, LDS, Leaders, Mormon, mormon, Mormons, President Monson, Priesthood, prophets, religion, service 114 Comments

This Thursday or Friday, someone at the Church Office building will get a phone call and make the long walk to President Monson’s office.  By …