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  1. Hi Dan, so great to get to know you better through these podcasts ! Too bad you are stopping at MormonMatters, but GREAT to hear you are continuing on another one !
    I googled the url you and John mentioned, but it doesn’t appear, somehow. Could you please share the link here ? I would like to continuing listening to you wise words.

    I am glad this podcast will stay availlable, because there are many I still have to listen to.

    I want to thank you for all the wisdom you shared. I liked it, because it is closer to the mormon belief, and filling in gaps that unfortunately are found in the church teachings. I concider myself as an ex-mormon who follows Jesus, inspired by visions/ideas of Joseph Smith. While the church teaches to follow the prophet and the leaders. I am not able to be a member of the church for this reason (and some other). I hope they will point the members toward following Jesus Christ, not standing between them, for they have no right to stand between Jesus and the individual member, whom each have right for this relationship themselves.

    I like your ideas and insights ! I hope they will inspire members from the church who like to stay member This truth you share will help them so much to create a christly caring athmosphere in the church and make it a place to be where Christ is honored in his example and teaching, and soften the hardship of patriarchy which is now ruling in the church. Thank you for that wonderful work you do !

    Both you and John (and Gina) provide a place for me where I still can honor to be a mormon, and in a far broader way than the church offers ! You closer to the church, but not in a limited way, but seeing the splendor of what is possible. Gina on her spiritual path and for me as a woman dealing with the same discriminating issues, but also she shows the splendor of what could be taught in the church. John looks like attacking the church, but is rather worries, not attacking, but showing what needs to be looked at and needs change. While it looks like attacking it is infact the great love for the church and it’s members. It opens up all for everyone to see and learn to deal with it and when the truth is not as nice as it looks what than could bind the church together ? That might be filled in with love, care and respect for each other.

    Lately I was thinking: When I was a member I had vowed to my Heavenly Father that I would give my testimony every month. I was wondering now … if the church is not true, like I was convinced it was in those days, what would I say than ? What was truly the expression of my testimony ? Was it a conviction of the truth ? How could I know anyway, my conviction was based on believing I knew it was the truth ! So, I was wondering, what my testimony was an expression off . I found out that in fact my testimony testified for truth how much I loved the church, how much I appreciated the member and their gifts in my life, their attention, their care and the relationships. I found out that my relationship with Christ is a truth, but a very personal truth, but still sharing it, could confirm the truth of the relationships others had in their own personal relationship with Jesus and Our Heavenly Father. If we can’t testify of the truth of the BoM, than still we can testefy of the wisdom we learned from the words in it, that give us insight and are helpfull to be a better person.

    So, to me nowadays, my testimony about the church is in the first place of how much I love the church, for the gift of learning about Joseph Smith and how he pointed me toward following Jesus. For the possibillities to meet in church with other great people and have activities to build up the place, the area and other people. For all I got to learn in organizing activities or giving lessons and speeking publicly. It would be so much enriched if the splendor you, John and GIna are opening up now are also availlable in the church. Than walking in the footsteps of Jesus would bring so much light within the walls of churchbuildings.

    I’m gratefull to have you all in my life.

    I hope you will mention the url of the new place so I can keep on enjoying your wisdom. I’m wishing you all the best, I’ll keep on listening !

    Mw. Adrie de Jong
    The Netherlands

  2. I’m very excited to listen to this podcast. I’m only on part two thus far, but I’m definitely captivated.

    Dan, thank you for everything you’ve offered and brought to the table over the years in which you’ve hosted Mormon Matters. I’ve listened to Mormon Matters since about 2012, even before my mission, and it is not at all an understatement that you and your work have significantly shaped my own spirituality for the better. I haven’t heard the end of this particular podcast just yet, but I’m certain your next projects will be even more enlightening and powerful—I eagerly look forward to them. Thank you for producing such a tremendous library of potent conversations and resources, and best of luck to you in everything that follows.

  3. Dan, you will never know how many spaces you opened for so many during such an important and treacherous time in our religious tradition. You indeed processed the mess with grace, great care, patience, and humor for those of us who so needed your insights. Best to you in all your future endeavors.

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