MM Guide to What to Wear to Conference 2009

Bored in VernalGeneral Conference, LDS, Mormon 9 Comments


Readers, we know that most of you will be home using the internet or other media wonders of today to keep abreast of General Conference. And if you’re at home with the fam, by all means make yourself as comfy as possible. On Saturday, PJ’s are perfectly acceptable. Here’s what the well-dressed Mormon will be wearing if they’re viewing at home.

If there’s too much noise around the house, head on over to your local meetinghouse for the broadcast. Saturday’s dress is a little more relaxed than Sunday’s. Women, that means skirts rather than dresses or suits. And denim is acceptable, but NEVER pants. Men, no suit coat. Throw on a pair of slacks, but don’t forgo the white shirt and tie.

If the weather is cool, a sweater or sports coat can be added to great effect. Think Sean Connery:

Now, if you’re heading on over to the Conference Center on Saturday, you know what you have to do. The weekend will cut you no slack. For women, it’s full Sunday dress, complete with hosiery. Cool weather will allow you to wear these chic opaque tights. For comfort, you’ll see lots of floral print dresses. But since it’s Saturday, you can still give it a little bit of a casual twist. For men, get out that Sunday suit, white shirt and tie again.


There’s going to be a lot of diversity in our home crowd on Sunday. For some, the pajama casual will still be the order of the day. But since it’s the Sabbath, many families will want to dress the part even when at home. Moms, try a cozy housedress and put your girls in jumpers. Dads, wear your loosest slacks and a button-down shirt. For once, you can break out the colored one!

For Sunday at the chapel, regular Sunday dress code applies. Frilly dresses for little girls, skirts and modest tops for teens, dresses and skirt suits for women. No flip-flops!! For males of all ages, you guessed it, a white shirt and tie, and preferably a full suit.

Finally, we have the Sunday Conference Center-goer. Remember for this session you are dressing for success. Put your boys and girls in their best Sunday clothing. Teen girls should be extremely modest, with no cleavage, shoulders, or legs above the knee revealed. All priesthood holders must wear the standard outfit. Dark suit, white shirt, dark socks and shoes, conservative ties. If you must express your individuality, it is acceptable to wear a pair of shades around Temple Square before entering the building. Women, in order to be the perfect picture of Relief Society, you should wear a business suit, but give it a feminine touch. Suits in bright colors will make you look like you are ready to give the next talk in the Conference Center!

Mormon Matters hopes this post has been helpful for our Conference-goers. Let us know what you were wearing this weekend!

Comments 9

  1. no flip – flops, I have never heard this before – what do you do if you are wearing flip – flops. is it just Sundays I’m from the UK and never seen this as a problem.

  2. Nice. I like the post. Luckily I’ll be wearing sweats. And even when I’ve gone to the conference center, I don’t care about the whole white shirt thing and wear whatever I want – blue, striped, etc. – as I think the color of one’s shirt is about as important as the color of one’s eyes or one’s skin.

  3. No dressing up at home here, but thanks for the laugh. I can show respect and listen to the prophet just fine in jeans and t-shirt. As for white shirts period…what a waste… why would I want to dress like everyone else when I am an individual. This rebellious (pathetic as it is) has to go back to my youth when we attended the airplane crash morality play in the cultural hall where your plane crashes and you visit each of the three degrees of glory. The telestial was full of the funniest, happiest people, games and laughter. The terrestrial was full of the most boring people from the ward (probably not intentional) just sitting about talking. The celestial was the worst…full of people clothed only in white, whispering and listening to classical music. Lesson taught: telestial is the place to be…full of fun and games with no parents. White shirts…well that is too celestial.

  4. Post

    Looking at the coverage, and can’t see ANY colored shirts in the Conference Center. NONE. Do any of you who are there see any colored shirts on men? I think all of us LDS are sticking pretty well to the above guidelines.

  5. Hilarious. FYI, you will NEVER get me to wear pantyhose. Pink patent leather sandals (among some other colors)with bare feet and polished toes during spring, summer and fall. Clogs with wool socks during the winter.

  6. I wore a yellow and blue tatersol (sic) shirt and tie to priesthood on Saturday night at the Stake Center. I took great pride from the snide comments and dirty looks I received from the stake pharisee’s.

  7. Thanks, BiV, but I think your name is far better. When we abbreviate your name, its so cool…BiV. But when most people abbreviate mine, its PP. Like when I was 3 and had to go pp. HA!

    Although, some folks just shorten it down to pink. Which is great.

    I have to say, this post was far better than the commentary of GA’s ties over on BCC. 🙂

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