For the Little People

Bored in VernalMormon 3 Comments

For some time, Mormon bloggers have lamented the fact that there was no wide-reaching aggregator that featured solo Mormon-themed blogs.  Dr. B. has, for the past few months, been attempting to remedy this situation.  Shortly after he started the endeavor, which he calls Mormon Blogosphere, Elder Ballard’s “call to blog” inspired a proliferation of bloggers who post on LDS subjects.  This caused a problem for Dr. B.’s new project.  Originally he had in mind to include all solo Mormon blogs, wherever he could find them.  But he soon discovered that there were now too many.  It took a while for him to whittle the group down to a manageable size.  But he is confident that he has now created a place where “the little people” can be found.  On Mormon Blogosphere the blog enthusiast can, at a glance, see what an array of quality Mormon blogs have recently posted. 

Dr. B. hopes to include on the Mormon Blogosphere all the solo blogs with themes of interest to the Mormon reader.  Sometimes this is easy to identify.  All of the blogs under his heading “Theology, History, and Doctrine” will appeal to the general Mormon reader.  But as you can see while perusing his aggregator, there are a huge number of personal blogs.  These aren’t always so easy to identify.  Some he has chosen because they are connected to well-known Bloggernacle figures (like Margaret Blair Young’s husband, Bruce, for example; or Clean Cut’s wife.  Or they deal with subjects that have a wide appeal to Mormons.  Or they are just plain funny, like Seriously, so Blessed, or Navel Gazing.

So now it’s your turn to review the newest Mormon aggregator.  Take a look and leave a comment here on this post.  Tell Dr. B. what you think of his choices, his arrangement, and anything else you can think of.  Do you think a solo Mormon blog aggregator is needed?  Is this something you would use? 

Oh, and Dr. B. says he will take suggestions for additions if you would like to see your blog or one of your favorites included!

Comments 3

  1. Kudos for how thorough it is. It takes a long time to load and to scroll down and read. Neither of those are Dr B’s fault, and it’s jut evidence of the super-enthusiastic blog world we’re living in. I wish there were some way to “jump” to a category – like could all the categories be put into a sidebar list? That way I could see what all the categories were without scrolling the entire page.

    jeans (find me under “Theology, History & Doctrine”)

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