No term to date has been more associated with the leadership tenure of President Russell M. Nelson than “Covenant Path.” It’s become ubiquitous in his …
519–520: (Encore) The Living Nature of Mormon Covenants
This is an encore presentation of an important and still very relevant two-part episode first released on 24 April 2017. Covenanting is a huge feature …
487: Exclusivism
This episode wrestles with exclusivist claims in religion, including Mormonism, as well as in our psyches. How does the idea of chosenness, specialness, uniqueness, and …
471–472: Reflections on the Recently Revealed MTC Sexual Abuse Cases
Within the past ten days, Mormonism has been rocked by a recoding and transcript released through MormonLeaks that depicts the confessions of a former president …
382–383: The Living Nature of Mormon Covenants
Covenanting is a huge feature of Mormon theology and group life. Beginning at age eight with baptism, and extending through the temple endowment and sealing …
369–370: Helping Children Plant Lasting Seeds of Faith
Every person is different, and this is completely true with children, as well. Often we as parents will assume our children are picking up ideas, …
346: Intimacy in Mormon Marriages
Mormon theology, including temple covenants, along with pulpit and lesson rhetoric and cultural and community discourse place a strong emphasis on the family. It also …
269: The Effects of Excommunication on All of Us: Healing Perspectives
This week’s excommunication from the LDS Church of John Dehlin, and its making fresher the memory of Kate Kelly’s excommunication last summer as well as …
215: Mormonism’s Modesty and Sexuality Discourse
The cover of the March 2014 Ensign highlights an article, “The Lord’s Standard of Morality” by Elder Tad R. Callister, that has been the subject …
178–179: Tolerance
Tolerance is a tricky virtue. In a list of ways one might interact with others, it’s certainly better than active persecution but falls far short …
170–171: Toward Expanding and Improving LDS Discourse about Sexuality
So often in Mormon discourse, the term “virtue” is treated almost exclusively as relating to sexual purity, chastity, and virginity, completely missing its much broader …
147–148: LDS and Pacific Islander Layers of the Manti Te’o Saga
Very little coverage of the story of the cruel hoax perpetrated on Notre Dame football player Manti Te’o has focused on aspects of the Mormon …
119–121: The Problem of Evil and Suffering
One of the most prominent and difficult issues in philosophy of religion addresses the dilemma that arises when one asserts the existence of an all-powerful …
98–99: “Middle Way” Mormonism and Women
Mormon Matters episodes 85–86 featured a panel consisting of four men discussing “Middle Way Mormonism,” a term that has been gaining traction as a way …
72: Effecting Change in the Church
This episode features panelists who all are deeply involved with the LDS Church, yet from their position of involvement in, and love and affection for, …
58: Obedience and Agency
Mormonism teaches the importance of being obedient to God and God’s will while at the same time emphasizing the bedrock fact of our individual agency. …
51: The Dynamics of Guilt and Shame
Many people–and Latter-day Saints are no exception– struggle with feelings of “not being enough,” worthlessness, or that they are unlovable by others, God, and themselves. …
49: Mormonism’s Messages about Motherhood
This panel discussion examines the wonderful gifts of Mormonism’s strong emphases and teachings about the divine role of motherhood as well as the external and …
43: Healthy Approaches to Teaching Modesty
In today’s LDS youth programs, especially those for young women, modesty has become even more of an emphasis than in years and decades past. Of …
40–41: Ritual within Mormonism
In this two-part discussion, Mormon Matters host Dan Wotherspoon and panelists Julia Hunter, Chelsea Strayer, and Chelsea Fife explore insights from myth and ritual studies …